Thursday 8 March 2012

Be our own hope.

Sometimes we face challenges in our lives that we do not always want to face. I guess though it is through these challenges that life can really define us. One thing that can keep us going is the concept of HOPE. Hope can really be a blind thing. We can never truly know if things will work out in our best interests or If one day we wake up and suddenly things are perfect. But if we wait around to see if something will go in a better direction, we might be waiting a long time. Time is never a good thing to waste.  

Two important things i have been learning the last month is that one, I am in charge of my life. I am also the cause of much of my suffering. Yes things do just happen but its how i deal with them that is the most important part. So far in my life i would say i have been living blindly. I think sometimes you have to come to a "Breaking Point" to wake yourself up. It is human to want to put all your suffering on other things and people so that you do not have to take responsibility. 

I am learning now to take responsibility. If i want to have a good life it is up to me. Not to say that the whole world does not support you in some way, shape or form. Food supports your body. Oxygen Supports your breathing. The chair supports your ass as you read this. But you alone support your own happiness. You are the one in control of your feelings and behavior. This is a big lesson. Sometimes while you are caught up in life and in the midst of your own suffering you do not see this. It is now time to question things.

The other thing i have learned is that it is actually important to have that blind hope. Hope is a positive feeling that in our darkest moments can shed light onto those shadows and feel us with a warmth that we all need.  It speaks to our hearts and pushes us on. Hope is believing in the good of the world and also believing in ourselves. But we can not let Hope stand alone, be the only thing that propels us to our own happiness. We need to step up and be our own hope.

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