Friday 27 January 2012

Is it better to have loved then never loved at all?

     Love... such a small word for something so big don't you think? Its a topic i could probably talk about every day for the rest of my life and would probably never run out of things to say. I have never found it hard to love others, though often i find it hard to love myself. Love can either make you or break you. But Isn't there always a risk in most everything we do in life? This includes the concept of loving. I remember a quote i must have read many times through out my life. " love like you've never been hurt." --Satchel Paige. There is always going to be a chance when you put your heart out there that you will get hurt. So is it better to have loved then never loved at all? Well for one, I do believe that we need to experience Love - the greatest gift life offers us - even if the end result isn't what we were wanting. We might end up being lied to or betrayed, cheated on or wronged in some way. Or we may end up loving someone who does not love us back. But bad experiences not only define us but make us learn and grow. They teach us about ourselves and about what we really want and need in life. The only way we learn this is to take the risk and throw ourselves at it.

      Yes, Sometimes it ends badly and we feel crushed under that hurt. We think we will never feel whole again. Maybe we will say, "I cant take anymore! I cant love anyone else. My heart is too broken." End up avoiding Love just to protect ourselves. But we forget in this moment of hurt something really important. The biggest gift that love offers us is the feeling of being in love. There is nothing quite like it. Its inspirational, electrifying, warm, intoxicating, motivating, and so much more. In those moments, nothing can touch us. Is that worth the risk? Well i believe so. Though after a few heart breaks, I can understand why its easy to feel a little hopeless of a possible happy ending. But we will never know if it will end badly or not. We aren't psychic. We don't know if this one is our "soul mate" till we give it a test run. So why when life puts love in our path do we fight against it? I think being in love and loving is worth the risk. And besides, If we choose to fight it and avoid love. You will have to live with something else that i think is much worse. The concept of regret. The maybe's or what ifs of life. 

     My love life has not been successful yet to this date. Though I do not forget what it was like in the beginning of each relationship i have ever had and the good feelings i experienced. I have had my own roller coaster rides. I can say though, I do know what i am looking for now. I know that when it finds me again, I wont take it for granted. Ill cherish all the special moments and take in all of the glory that is falling and being in love. And if i do get hurt......Ill just get back up, dust myself off and face it again till i do find my happy ending. Because Love is the greatest gift of Life and i love presents. :)

Monday 16 January 2012

     Honesty is something I have always cherished. It leaves nothing hidden. All is out in the open basking in the light of truth. I think the worst thing to do is to be dishonest with yourself and with others. With yourself, to be not honest just keeps you in a mental cage. The person who is not honest with themselves can never feel free. Accept everything, I mean everything about yourself. I know this is a hard task for some but its the only way. You are who you are and that is the truth. No apologies, No regrets. Our lives only improve when we take chances, and the most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves.

     Honesty with others is another matter. Some people think its good to withhold the truth. That you can protect peoples feelings this way. I suppose a little white lie here and there is not so bad but i guess it all depends on the subject. But what happens if the person you are being dishonest with finds out? If someone finds out the truth after all mistakes have been made, it really just hurts even more.  I find it much more easy to forgive a mistake then to forgive someone who keeps the truth from me. It isn't just the mistake that stings you but also the lack of honesty. So when you thought you were doing a good thing by protecting the person from hurt, you really were making it worse. For me dishonesty is much worse then most things. To much dishonesty over time can tarnish ones trusts, even in ones self.

    But I am going to get honest with myself. This happens everywhere and can involve anyone. The only thing you can control is yourself and your actions. There is no simple way to deal with the feelings that take over you when this happens. I have no secrets to reveal to help in this case other then saying it takes time. So be honest with yourself and with others. Just keep it real.

“The Light is more than some abstract, unknowable energy force. Light is Truth. If Light is truth, then darkness must be lies. Each and every lie we tell to ourselves and others casts the shadow of separation upon us. Every time even the most minor deception is revealed and the truth is made known we are re-united with the Light. So, Let there be Light. Those are the words by which you can create your own magnificent world.” - Renee Bledsoe, Addiction Alchemy

Saturday 14 January 2012

"Normal" vs. "Weird"

An excellent comic/poster that I think fits this site very well:
Emotional honesty anyone? Click post to read The daily awe and find helpful ways to get real with yourself. 

Sometimes its good to watch the joy of others to feel good. My friend showed me this link and i wanted to share it. A video about a grandfather living overseas being surprised by his grandson visiting from america.

     There is a certain amount of vulnerability you can feel when starting a blog that you know will uncover a deeper level of yourself. To share to the public all the intimate thoughts you have that most people other then your best friends have never seen is really putting yourself out there. But I have always believed in being honest and open even if sharing my feelings or thoughts have not always brought me the best results.

     I can not compare my life to others. We all have had our trials and tribulations, which no matter what level of difficulty they are to deal with, will always matter to us in our own personal way. I have always been a highly sensitive person, always feeling everything and everyone around me. Through life I've had people consistently tell me i shouldn't let things effect me. Well easier said then done. When you are the type of person who is a feeler then there really isn't much choice is there? So the next step after you realize you can't change who or what you are is the concept of acceptance. That will be my life long goal. 

     Now the good news and something i often have to remember, is that i am not alone in this. Acceptance is a goal for many people. There are many people who feel strongly and freely and without sometimes the control that we all wish we had. In this blog i will share my feelings on a variety of topics related to the concept of having a bigger understanding of myself and how i feel. Also, through exploring these feelings i will post about anything related like links, pictures or videos that i feel need to be shared.

    I figured that by making this blog, it was one step closer to accepting who i was and trying to embrace the freedom of being me. I often ask myself am i normal? What is normal? Is there rules and guidelines to being normal? Normal is just a word and not a very good word to describe people. We are all different, we all seek to be accepted but it all starts with accepting ourselves. This is my journey towards it.

     If you wish to contribute to this blog with any links, videos, or pictures that you FEEL needs to be shared, please Contact me. :) 

I just want to feel

This blog is dedicated to all the people in the world that allow themselves to feel. The point of me creating this was to both express my feelings about different parts of life and the life i live but also to put out there ideas, pictures, video, and anything that will create a feeling inside you. Through Life you learn how valuable it is to feel and to be allowed to feel. I know from experience how difficult it is to express your feelings without it causing some form of problem. Well this blog is made for those that want to exhibit their feelings and celebrate the freedom that comes with it.